ever since I saw Klimt's beautiful pieces in the Vienna Exhibition last year, I have learnt to admire them so much! his work is absolutely incredible, he used wonderful colours (including actual gold) and created such interesting patterns. seeing his paintings in real life rather than on the internet is something completely different, when you're up close the detail is so wicked!
when i first saw these photos on http://fernwah-fernwah.blogspot.com.au/ i immediately fell in love with them. not only does it involve Kilmt's work but the use of a projector onto the bare skins was rather beautiful and definitely inspirational. i have seen similar photos where a picture has been projected onto skin, but these are definitely my favourites. they have inspired me to do something very similar in the future, not only involving artist's paintings but also incredible photos (or even my art haha.. not likely but that would be cool)!!
Google puts special doodle for Gustav Klimt's 150th birthday byspecial doodle.